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Private schools in Kashmir give monopoly to selected shops for selling uniform, books

Last Updated on April 8, 2022 at 1:40 pm

Many private schools in Kashmir are allegedly compelling parents to buy uniforms and textbooks and other necessary items from particular shops and at higher rates.

Despite repetitive orders by Jammu and Kashmir government to refrain such practice, parents have allegedly complained that private schools have kept their uniform at particular and force parents to buy uniforms from those shops.

Parents have been compelled to purchase the uniforms from the specific shops at Regal Chowk or Court Road Srinagar, reportedly.

Many parents have said that these schools just want to make money and concerned department has been failed to stop such act.

A parent from Srinagar said that uniform set kept available at a specific shop costs Rs.1000 while the same set of uniform cost only Rs 400 to Rs 500 in the open market.

Another parent complained that when the items are available at a specific shop they sell it at a fixed price and earn huge profit in it and there is nexus between school authorities and such shops. Further parent added that despite the orders of government these private schools are continuing this practice.

Another parent informed that they have submitted their representation to the DSEK a number of times with the request to control this illegal trade of schools but the no serious action has been taken by the concerned officials against any school.

This problem is faced by parents every year where particular shops gets monopoly to sell uniforms , textbooks and other items and parents are forced to buy from these shops despite of their regular complaints no measure to stop this practice is taken by the concerned department.