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Rains in J&K plains, upper reaches receives snowfall

Last Updated on January 22, 2022 at 3:36 pm

With the cold wave intensifying Jammu and Kashmir, higher reaches of Kashmir received snowfall while plains of Kashmir was lashed with rains.

As per officials, Gulmarg and other upper reaches of Kashmir has received fresh snowfall on Saturday. Officials informed that.

Official informed that Gulmarg had recorded a low of minus 6.5°C against minus 7.5°C on previous night and the temperature was 1.7°C above normal for this time of the year in the famous resort in north Kashmir’s Baramulla district.

The officials said Qazigund recorded the minimum of 0.2 degrees Celsius, while the nearby south Kashmir town of Kokernag recorded a low of minus 1.9 degrees Celsius. Weather officie has informed that J&K likely to have widespread light to moderate rain/snow till Sunday. Further the weather office informed that afterwards the weather is likely to stay mainly dry till the end of the month and there is no forecast of any major rain/snow till the end of January.