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Driver injured after truck plunges into deep gorge on Jammu-Srinagar national highway

Last Updated on January 22, 2022 at 12:44 pm

On Jammu-Srinagar national highway, a truck fell into a deep gorge after skidding off the road on Saturday. Driver of the truck has got injuries.

As per reports, truck bearing registration number HR38U 4552, was on its way from Jammu towards Srinagar, when the driver lost control over the vehicle and it plunged into deep gorge.

On receiving the information about the incident a team of locals alongside NGO Banihal volunteers & police rescued the driver and subsequently shifted him to SDH Banihal for treatment.
The injured driver has been identified as Ramesh Kumar (36) son of Surum Chand, a resident of Chennai area of Udhumpur.