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Rs 1.40 crore realized from 4469 traders by Legal Metrology Department

Advisor to Lieutenant Governor, Farooq Khan, reviewed the working of Legal Metrology Department.

Commissioner Secretary, Food Civil Supplies and Consumer Affairs, Zubair Ahmed was also present.

Controller, Legal Metrology, M K A Drabu, gave a detailed presentation highlighting status of implementation of various schemes and programs by the department.

Advisor Khan took stock of revenue realization by the department besides enquiring about the number of inspections carried out to safeguarding the interests of consumers.

It was informed in the meeting that the department has realized Rs 203 lakh as fee for authenticating the accuracy of weighing and measuring instruments. Besides, an amount of Rs 140 lakh has been realized as composition money from 4469 erring traders under different provisions of law.

Advisor emphasized the need for fixing targets as per the actual establishments in the market. He directed the officers to ensure that after identifying the establishments in rural area, which are presently not covered by the department, should be covered for inspections within a month’s period. He asked for according special focus to far flung area so that poor people get value for their hard earned money.

Advisor directed the officers of Metrology and Oil Marketing Companies for conducting joint inspection so that system may be streamlined and common masses are benefited.

Advisor directed for conducting consumer awareness programmes in rural and far flung areas to educate consumers about their rights and duties. Similarly, traders must be made aware about selling of good quality and exact quantity goods to the consumers, he added.

He was informed that the department has made substantial progress on minimising regulatory compliance burden. He was further apprised that Legal metrology is among the leading departments to comply action plans under Business Reform action plans. Advisor directed for streamlining the system of online applications for departmental licences.