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RS Pura meeting of intellectuals raised concerns for BJP

Last Updated on September 10, 2021 at 5:14 pm

In the wake of meeting of intellectuals which was organized by the BJP in RS Pura, Jammu has raised the concerns for BJP.

After facing anger of people during the meeting, the leadership of the Jammu and Kashmir unit of BJP has awakened, as few leaders have reported sounded the high-command against the style of functioning of some ‘Babus’ of administration.

‘Babu Raj’ has given the deadliest blow to development in J&K and these leaders have made it very clear that ongoing ‘Babu Raj’ is devastating for the party in coming elections.

Participants in the intellectuals’ meeting held at R S Pura which was held last week directly attacked the BJP leaders who failed to provide even basic amenities to the people. Participants kept raising eyebrows over ongoing corruption. As per reports, R S Pura’s feedback, local BJP has started a damage control exercise but no one in the administration is listening to them.

A senior BJP leader said that it appears that J&K administration is running from outside the Union Territory as even for petty transfers and other works people have searched links outside J&K who are playing important role in the day-to-day activities in the administration.  Further the leader informed that many issues have been brought to the notice of the high command.