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Soaring prices of fruits, vegetables increases woes of common people

Last Updated on November 24, 2021 at 4:39 pm

Prices of essential commodities including vegetables and fruits are rising sharply in Kashmir thus burning holes in the pockets of consumers of Kashmir. The rise in prices of vegetables and fruits has broken the common man’s backbone. 

The prices of vegetables and fruits are growing continuously owing to the non-regulation of the prices by the Department of Food Civil Supplies and Consumer Affairs (FCSCA). The competent authorities are not showing any interest to regulate the rates of eatables and essentials and seems like consumers will not get immediate respite from the increasing prices.

The market prices of eatables have witnessed exorbitant hikes in absence of any enforcement by the FCSCA in markets to regulate the rates of essential commodities.

Tariq Ahmad of Baramulla said that FCSCA has failed to act in reality and regulate the rates of edible products despite agitation of people over the rising prices.

An official said that the enforcement had become weak due to the lack of manpower. Official further added that for regulating the rate lists, vacancies are being filled in enforcement wings.

Director FCSCA Kashmir Abdul Salam Mir told Greater Kashmir that there was proper monitoring on the ground but the rates fluctuate every two days which makes it difficult for the department to frame the rate list. Mir further said that rates are not fixed by the local retailers but in mandis outside J&K thus they can’t force the local vendors here to follow a particular rate list. He said that the department would still try to look into the issue and revise the rate lists every week.