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Will the discrimination with Jammu by governments ever end?

Last Updated on July 22, 2021 at 12:17 pm

It is a dark reality that that the nationalist Jammu has been discriminated and still continues to be discriminated. The problem of discrimination has taken away the very essentials of Jammu.

Minister of Youth Affairs and Sports, Anurag Singh Thakur informed that financial help has been provided to 27 educational institutes across the country for sports.

But again the people of Jammu has been mistreated since only Islamic University of Science and Technology (IUST) Awantipora, Pulwama was selected for granting of funds for better sports infrastructure in the UT. For laying the synthetic athletic track at IUST, Rs 609 lakhs has been sanctioned.

To an utter shock, Jammu region does not stand in the list of the educational institutions that were provided with financial aid for infrastructure of sports.

The Union Minister said that grants have been authorized for better infrastructure, equipment, appointment of coaches as well as for scholarships. “A total of Rs. 8.16 crores has been spent for promotion of rural and indigenous/tribal games.
Scholarships have been sanctioned for 335 medal winners”, he said.