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Central Govt extends invitation to 8 political parties of J&K for June 24 meeting

Last Updated on June 19, 2021 at 10:41 pm

At least 14 political leaders ( from 8 political parties) from Jammu and Kashmir have received a formal invitation from New Delhi to be a part of the meeting with Prime Minister Narendra Modi on June 24.

This will be the first dialogue between Kashmir based parties and BJP led central government after abrogation of Article 370 and bifurcation of erstwhile state of J&K.

PM Modi will chair the meeting. All the leaders have been asked to go for a RT-PCR test before attending the meeting.

The invitation has been extended to NC’s Dr Farooq Abdullah and Omar Abdullah; Congress’ Ghulam Nabi Azad, Tara Chand and G.A.Mir; PDP’s Mehbooba Mufti;  Peoples Conference’s Sajad Gani Lone and Muzaffar Hussian Baigh; Apni Party’s Altaf Bukhari; BJP’s Ravinder Raina, Nirmal Singh and Kavinder Gupta;  CPI(M)’s M. Y. Tarigami, and National Panthers Party’s Prof. Bheem Singh.