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Defying rules, VC appoints a graduate as Director IT in Jammu University: Reports

Last Updated on February 3, 2021 at 8:19 pm

The Vice-Chancellor of University of Jammu, Prof Manoj Kumar Dhar has decided to appoint a graduate engineer as Director Centre for IT Enabled Services and Management (CITESM) in Department of Computer Science and Information Technology defying norms, said reports.

Er Anik Gupta was appointed as Director CITESM with an order dated 23 October, 2020.

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There are also reports that this decision is influenced by the VC’s wish to utilise Rs 5 crore RUSA grant for revamping outdated networking in the campus prior to March 2021. Teaching faculty of JU is very unsatisfied with this controversial appointment.

A professor told the JK Global News that the VC should clear his stand in this controversy which has maligned the image of prestigious University. Rather than doing that, he is hiding from questions.

Teachers of varsity expressed surprise that a person who was appointed as a project Manager in Department of Physics has risen to the rank of scientist Grade G even when he allegedly doesn’t have any exemplary innovation and contribution. Moreover, he was also granted with Professor Grade in 2006 during the tenure of Prof Amitabh Mattoo at non gazetted level which allegedly violates varsity Act.

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Surprisingly, Anik Gupta who just holds a graduate degree was promoted to Professor Grade in 2006 by the then VC Prof Amitabh Mattoo and then VC Prof Dhar appointed him as Director even when he is just a graduate in B.Tech.

One must have PhD to be qualified to be a professor. Moreover, the candidate is also required to submit the publications and research papers before an expert committee and then give interview to a panel headed by VC.

One Professor said that the University has repeatedly breached the rules for Anik Gupta. Under no circumstances, a Graduate can be promoted to the rank of Scientist G Grade and then get appointed as Director in JU.

An official of Registrar office said that the Director CITESM is equivalent to the Head of the Department in University and it is not understandable that how a simple engineering graduate was appointed by the VC for this post.

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