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Leh, Kargil leaders join hands for full Statehood for Ladakh

Last Updated on August 2, 2021 at 8:21 pm

The Leh Apex Body and Kargil Democratic Alliance (KDA) have joined hands and announced consensus for full statehood to Ladakh.

Also they have reached to an agreement to seek one more Lok Sabha seat and two Rajya Sabha seats from the region.

Co-chairman of KDA Asgar Ali Karbalai said that discussions which were held which led to a consensus on four points including the demand for full-fledged statehood for Ladakh and further added that it is a historic day for the people of Ladakh.

Special status of Jammu and Kashmir was revoked by the Union government on August 5, 2019 and J&K was divided into two Union Territories -Jammu and Kashmir and Ladakh.

KDA was against the UT status and instead, raised the demand for full statehood to Ladakh. The leaders of the organisation further said that they were willing to stage protests for the interest of the people of the region.

Former MP Thupstan Chhewang said that a joint committee will be formed which will represent Ladakh and discussions will be held with the central government. He further said that the focus of their demands will be full-fledged statehood for Ladakh, constitutional safeguards whether under sixth schedule or Article 371 of the constitution and one more seat in Lok Sabha and two Rajya Sabha seats.