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Union ministers will soon make regular visits to Jammu and Kashmir

Last Updated on August 2, 2021 at 8:24 pm

Union Minister Jitendra Singh on Sunday said that Central ministers will soon visit and regularly start touring of the Union Territory of Jammu & Kashmir.

Singh said that experiment was conducted in January last year when 36 Union ministers visited J&K for a period of one month which turned out to be a very successful outreach exercise. Further he added that on the advice of Prime Minister Narendra Modi a similar outreach exercise has been successfully carried out in the Northeast for the last six years.

Further he added that PM Modi has been giving priority to peripheral regions like Jammu and Kashmir, Ladakh and the Northeast, so it is his desire to conduct similar exercise in J&K.
He also added that final list of Union Ministers will be released after they are assigned districts and role for each minister would be different depending on projects related ministries. He also said that the goal would be common to figure out various issues of those specific districts that they would be assigned.