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No new case of Coronavirus in Leh

Last Updated on April 28, 2020 at 6:40 am

Leh, April 27: Commissioner/ Secretary (Health) Rigzin Samphel on Monday stated that two test samples received from Delhi today are negative for Coronavirus in Leh district

Briefing the media, Comm/Sec Samphel said that a total of 57 students were evacuated from Kota (Rajasthan) with the help of the J&K UT Administration and they have reached Jammu today. They will reach Leh tomorrow, and all the students will be kept under 14 days’ institutional quarantine and their samples would be sent for testing, he added.

Contact tracing in both the places has already begun and the Medical department had already collected nearly 100 samples in Bogdang area.

At Sankoo, the positive patient was already in the buffer zone and was under home quarantine. And almost all the samples of the contact tracing have been completed in Sankoo area, he added.

About 500 Iran pilgrims evacuated from Jodhpur and Hindon had already reached Ladakh and are kept under institutional quarantine. At this moment, about 90 pilgrims are at Jodhpur quarantine facility centre and they will also be evacuated after their test reports negative for COVID-19.

And the UT Administration is in close contact with the Ministry of External Affairs for evacuation of the remaining 315 pilgrims from Iran, stated Samphel. He further stated that all the vehicles carrying essential commodities and medical items would be allowed to ply from Zojila, while decision on plying of non-essential vehicles will be decided later. 

Coronavirus in Leh had mostly among the those individuals who had a travel history of other countries or states.