The Jammu and Kashmir Sports Council (JKSC) has made over half a dozen coaches as in-charge managers at various district headquarters and units. These appointments totally violate the norms as these coaches have left their primary job for which they were appointed in the first place.
Sources say that for last few years, coaches have been handling administrative work in the JKSC. In the year 2013, the then Secretary of the JKSC Dalip Thusu even issued an order to disengage coaches who were appointed as in-charge managers. In the 53rd General Council meeting of the JKSC held in 2013, under the chairmanship of its president (the then chief Minister) and vice-president (the then sports minister) of the Council, it was decided in the meeting to disengage all the coaches whether they were functioning as selection grade coaches, junior coaches and instructors other than their own duties.
The Council took this decision after repeated concerns expressed by many people for the mis-utilization of the services of coaches, who are appointed for coaching to the players of different disciplines and then end up taking administrative exercises. Many coaches were relieved of administrative tasks in 2013 but change of administration in Jammu and Kashmir in 2015 caused coaches to take up those tasks and giving them posts of in-charge managers. Many of these coaches are still working on administrative positions.
Sources tell that these coaches who are working as manages are posted at Kathua, Rajouri, Poonch, Bakshi Stadium Srinagar, Shastri Nagar Jammu, RS Pura, Udhampur and Srinagar.
An official of the Council told that the Chief coaches can can become In-charge managers of their units because their post is only one step down from the manager in the seniority list but engaging either senior coach or junior coach at the post of manager totally violates norms.
These coaches are recruited for the because in order to coach budding talent and not for holding administrative jobs but, unfortunately, this has been trend for some time because of non-recruitment for posts in these units.