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High School in Jammu division being run by 2 ReT teachers, has 200 students

Students/teachers ratio is very low in schools of remote areas of Jammu and Kashmir in comparison to those which are inside city aras. Some schools in cities have around two dozen teachers to teach even less than 100 students.

However an unfortunate school in a far-flung area namely High School Margi is located in remote Warwan area of Marwah Sub Division of KIshtwar district. It is situated in a very rough terrain which is covered with landlocked mountains and has not any access to electricity.

Two ReT (Rehabir-e-Taleem) teachers namely Shabir Ahmed Lone and Tarjeed Ahmed Koka manage this school while the 3rd female teacher is on maternity leave. She is constantly posted in this school for last 9 years without any transfer.

A political and social activist said that around 200 students ranging from 1st standard to 10th standard are enrolled in this school. 11 posts of teachers are sanctioned for the High School Margi to teach these students. Among these 11 sanctioned posts, one post is of headmaster while 6 posts are for master grade and 4 for teacher grade. Unfortunately, only one post is filled up and remaining 10 are vacant. The government policy states that both of these ReT teachers are posted in addition to the staff.

He said that they have even asked authorities to fill up these posts but for no use. Moreover, there is no access to internet in the region and as a result, students are not able to attend any online classes. He said that school has only 4 rooms which are highly insufficient for a strength of 200 students. The government was planning to construct additional infrastructure in the school but its expected cost has halted the construction project.

Contractors find it hard to construct the building in this area at same cost as in areas like Jammu or District Headquarter Kishtwar. A major reason behind this is contractors have to pay a significant amount for carriage in this remote part of Jammu and Kashmir. People have to pay as much as triple cost for construction in areas like Marwah and Warwan as compared to Jammu or Kishtwar.

People demanded that the government should immediately post teachers in High School Margi and construct additional infrastructure for the school.