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1300 year old idol of goddess Durga found in Kashmir

Last Updated on November 30, 2021 at 6:44 pm

A 1300 year old idol of Hindu goddess Durga has been found in Khag area of Budgam in Kashmir, the police have informed on Tuesday.

The black stone sculpture is estimated to be 1300 years old. Senior superintendent of police, Budgam, Tahir Saleem Khan, handed over the antique idol to the department of archives, archaeology and museums for preserving it.

Idol of goddess Durga found in Kashmir
(Left) Durga idol found today. (Right) Durga idol found earlier this year

Many Hindu idols have in the past been found in Kashmir, that was once a Hindu dominated region with flourishing economy.

Interestingly a 1200 years old idol of goddess Durga was also found this year in Budgam of Kashmir.