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313 vacancies advertised for 500 bedded temporary hospital in Jammu

The Government Medical College (GMC) Jammu today advertised 313 new posts for engagement (on contractual posts) for the upcoming 500 bedded temporary Covid Hospital in collaboration with the Defence Research and Development Organization (DRDO).

The advertisements issued here by GMC Jammu has invited as per Performa, from eligible candidates, for engagement in this 500 bedded temporary Covid Hospital initially for a period of one year extendable up to maximum of three years (One year at a time and further extension subject to good performance and conduct).

An advertisement read that a walk in interview shall also be conducted for newly created posts of Medical Officers (35 posts) and the date of interview is scheduled on May 24, 2021 at Committee Room GMC Jammu at 11 am.

Similarly,  two other separate  advertisements are inviting the applications for the posts which include Nursing Supervisor (16), Junior Staff Nurse (195), Pharmacist (47), Lab Technician (12) and X-Ray Technician (08) under different pay scales with prescribed eligibility criteria and age limit for any given post.

The twin advertisements read that the application as per prescribed format should reach to the office of Principal, Government Medical College, Jammu by or before 23.05.2021 4:30PM (Sunday Open).

All the three advertisements are also available on website: