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Advisor Bhatnagar tours Ganderbal, participates in B2V4 programme

Last Updated on October 31, 2022 at 7:37 pm

As part of Government’s ambitious initiative to listen the issues of people at their doorsteps through Back to Village Programme Phase 4 (B2V4), Advisor to Lieutenant Governor, Rajeev Rai Bhatnagar today took an extensive tour of Kangan sub-division of Ganderbal district and participated in ongoing activities under B2V4 held at Panchayat Ghar Wussan-B Kangan.

During the visit to Panchayat Ghar Wussan, Advisor Bhatnagar had detailed interaction with Panchayat representatives and general public of the area. He took note of issues concerning development and welfare of their respective areas and asked the people to have maximum participation in B2V4 programme as it has been initiated for their welfare.

The Advisor also interacted with the visiting officer and officials of line departments and obtained feedback regarding various ongoing development works being executed under different flagship schemes in the Sub-division.

Speaking on the occasion, Advisor Bhatnagar highlighted the objectives of the programme and said that the programme is a milestone in achieving rural development and 100% saturation of social welfare schemes adding that the Union Government and UT Government is committed to develop J&K as one of the most developed regions in the country. He added that various developmental initiatives have been taken already and the cooperation of common masses is must for ensuring peace and development in whole J&K.

While replying the issues raised by the locals, Advisor Bhatnagar remarked that the LG led administration is committed to further empower the PRIs so that the overall development of rural areas is ensured as they are well aware about the issues being faced by the people. He also gave necessary direction to the concerned departments for redressal of genuine issues raised by general public.

The Advisor on the occasion also distributed land passbooks, RBA certificates, income certificates, pension passbooks, baby kits among the beneficiaries.

Advisor Bhatnagar also administered the RashtriyaEkta Diwas Pledge to all the participants during the proceedings of B2V4 program.

On the occasion, Advisor Bhatnagar also witnessed the theme based cultural programme presented by students of different schools. The main attraction was Mashal-e-Gash literacy campaign, an initiative by district administration Ganderbal for achieving 100% literacy in the district which was highly appreciated by the Advisor.

Meanwhile, the Advisor also inspected the stalls established by different departments and enquired about the facilities and schemes being provided to the general public.