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After Pak, China opposes Indian plans of holding G2O summit in J&K

Last Updated on July 1, 2022 at 5:45 pm

China expressed its disapproval of India’s alleged plans to hold the G-20 summit in Jammu and Kashmir on Thursday, repeating its close ally Pakistan’s opposition. China also stressed that relevant parties should avoid unilateral acts that may “complicate” the situation.

In response to a query from the media, Zhao Lijian, a spokesman for the Chinese Foreign Ministry, said at a media conference on Thursday that they have acknowledged this new development. He said that China has a clear and consistent attitude on the Kashmir problem. Zhao added that the Kashmir issue must be resolved peacefully in accordance with the UN Charter, Security Council resolutions, and bilateral agreements.

He stated that all involved parties must refrain from taking any unilateral action that could worsen the situation. To preserve the peace and stability of the region, efforts should be undertaken to resolve the problem via dialogue and consultation.

Zhao noted that the G20 is the leading venue for global economic and financial cooperation and urged all major economies to concentrate on a steady recovery of the world economy, refrain from politicising relevant collaboration, and contribute favourably to enhancing global economic governance. Upon being asked if China would attend meeting which is scheduled to be held in 2023, he didn’t give any firm answer.

Zhao also responded to a different query regarding India’s concerns over the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor being built in the contentious area of Pakistan-occupied Kashmir (PoK). He responded that the nature of the two situations is totally different. China has invested in a number of projects in Pakistan to further economic development and enhance living conditions.

He also described PoK as Pakistan occupied area of Kashmir, a rare instance for China to define PoK in this manner. He added that relevant Chinese enterprises carry out the necessary projects with the aim of aiding Pakistan’s economic development and enhancing the standard of living for its citizens. He emphasised that this does not change China’s stance on the Kashmir problem.

Pakistan stated on June 25 that it rejected India’s intention to host a G20 summit in Kashmir, hoping that other participants would also vehemently reject the notion.

The G-20, a significant global organisation that brings together the world’s leading economies, might assemble in Jammu and Kashmir in 2023. The union territory administration last Thursday established a five-member high-level committee for general coordination.

This is the first significant summit that is anticipated to take place in Jammu and Kashmir after the former state was split into two union territories in August 2019 and lost the special status guaranteed by Article 370 of the Constitution.