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After salary denied to his teacher father for 2 years, Kashmir man commits suicide

Last Updated on June 2, 2021 at 12:53 pm

Death of 25-year-old Shoib Bashir, suicide reveals the real picture of the condition of government school teachers in Kashmir.

Kashmir student, Shoib Bashir recorded a video saying that he is sacrificing his life for all those teachers who suffer because of not receiving salary over the last two years. He added that his father Bashir Ahmad Mir, has not been paid salary  since March 2019. He said that their life has become miserable and cannot be told in words.

Shoib Bashir was the son of a government school teacher, who was disturbed by his failure to pay the fees for his MA course in psychology.

His father, Bashir Ahmad Mir, was not paid since March 2019 as authorities had allegedly blocked his salary citing a police verification report.

In 1990’s Mir was arrested on the allegation that he had joined militancy. However later the court released him as all the charges were removed and cleared. As per verification report of CID, there is no adverse remarks against Mir. Report concluded that he is busy with his job.

Mir said that the court has also issued orders for wages to be released, referring to an order from the Jammu and Kashmir High Court last year. But despite orders he did not receive a salary.

Nearly 140 teachers in Kashmir have not received salaries since March 2019. Everyone is pointing fingers at former Director of School Education Younis Malik, who was transferred a few months ago.

As Shoib Bashir’s video got viral, officials came into action. Tasaduq Mir, who is the current Director of School Education Kashmir, said he has submitted a report to the government and a decision on the matter is expected soon.

Even political parties in Kashmir have asked for inquiry into the matter. They are demanding quick action against officials whose carelessness led to the dreadful death of a student.