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Ahead of Republic Day, BSF on high alert, intensifies patrolling in border areas

Last Updated on January 21, 2022 at 4:36 pm

Ahead of Republic Day, the security has been tightened and Border Security Force (BSF) has been put on high alert on the International Border.

A BSF official informed that security system has been beefed up and deployment of troops is going on. Further BSF official informed that strict vigil is maintained by the security forces using modern gadgets and high alert patrolling is continuously done by paramilitary forces.

Official said that security forces are fully prepared for any terror activity on the other side of border and patrolling has been enhanced on the border. Further the official said that they were working in coordination with other security forces and villagers to keep a check on the suspicious activities.

Moreover, along the Jammu-Pathankot highway security forces are on high alert to keep a check on any suspicious activities and paramilitary forces have also increased checking at checkpoints

A police official informed that proper checking of vehicles are being done especially the trucks heading to Kashmir.

The officials said, the security setup along the highway is on high alertness and checkings have been intensified as a measure to foil any design of anti-national elements.

Security arrangements have also been beefed up within Jammu City and its peripheries while checking has been increased at the joint checkpoints, ensuring no suspicious persons are allowed to enter the city