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Where is the Chinese rocket going to land? Here is what we know

Last Updated on May 8, 2021 at 8:04 pm

Where is the Chinese rocket going to land? This is the question being asked by a large number of people across the world. United States Department of defence is monitoring the Chinese rocket.

The rocket is expected, according to the experts, to enter Earth’s atmosphere on May 8 but there has been a buzz that no one knows where the Chinese rocket will fall and may come to a zone with population.

US Space Command is concerned about the Chinese rocket’s trajectory and there are concerns that its debris may impact any part of earth.

“US Space Command is aware of and tracking the location of the Chinese Long March 5B in space, but its exact entry point into the Earth’s atmosphere cannot be pinpointed until within hours of its re-entry, which is expected around May 8,” Pentagon’s US Space Command said in a statement.

“Until then, the 18th Space Control Squadron will be offering daily updates to the rocket body’s location on beginning May 4. USSPACECOM will provide additional information as it becomes available,” it added.

The roughly 100-foot rocket is orbiting Earth every 90 minutes and zips past north of New York, Beijing and as far south as New Zealand, Fox News reported citing a space monitoring website.

The report said that despite the threat it is most likely to splash in one of the world’s oceans or in an isolated area.