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Apni Party criticizes J&K admin for biased approach towards SC areas in Samba

Last Updated on January 23, 2022 at 6:39 pm

Apni Party Provincial President Jammu Manjit Singh on Sunday criticized the administration for its alleged failure to provide basic amenities in Mananu village in Nud Block in Samba District.

During his visit to the village where majority of the population belongs to the Schedule Caste community, he observed that the roads were in bad condition.“The people have complaints about the unscheduled power cuts, and no proper supply of clean drinking water in SC residential colony,” he said and added that it shows the biased approach adopted by the administration towards the marginalized section of society.

He said that the authorities have failed to perform and hardly listen to the poor section of society.“Talking about good governance cannot deliver it on the ground as the people in general continue to suffer. Every section of society has suffered with the false claims and propaganda which are never implemented on the ground,” he added.

He said that the J&K government must not delay the holding of assembly elections in Jammu and Kashmir as it has led to the suffering of the people for more than three years.