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Army pays tribute to the fallen heroes in Kashmir

Last Updated on February 20, 2022 at 9:08 pm

Army today, paid tribute to Sep Chavan Romit Tanaji and Sep Santosh Yadav, who made the supreme sacrifice on 19 February at Chreymarg in Shopian District. In a solemn ceremony at BB Cantt, Lt Gen DP Pandey, Chinar Corps Commander and all ranks paid homage to the gallant soldiers on behalf of the proud Nation.   

A hardcore terrorist was neutralised in fierce firefight in early hours of Saturday, 19 February 2022 in Tsermarg Village of Shopian District, where a joint operation had been launched by the Security Forces. In the ensuing encounter, two bravehearts gave the supreme sacrifice, while saving civilian lives, ensuring zero collateral damage to civilian lives and property.

The fourteen hour long operation on 19 February 2022 in Tsermarg Village of Shopian District was pursued on specific human intelligence of presence of terrorist in the general area of Awaneera and Tsermarg. As the Security Forces closed in towards the suspected house, heavy automatic fire was drawn from the house endangering the civilians present around the house. Taking swift evasive action, the forces evacuated the civilians including ladies and children to a safe location and eliminated the hiding terrorist.

Two gallant soldiers, Sep Santosh Yadav and Sep Romit Chavan hailing from Uttar Pradesh and Maharashtra respectively, in an act of exemplary bravery, sustained injuries in the initial gunfight and later succumbed to their injuries. These heroes laid down their lives for the Nation in the highest traditions of the Indian Army, while saving the civilian brethren.

The Braveheart, Late Sep Chavan Romit Tanaji, was 23 years old and had joined the Army in 2017. He belonged to Village Lokmanya Nagar of Thane Tehsil, Thane District in Maharashtra and is survived by his Mother. While, Sep Santosh Yadav was 28 years old and had joined the Army in 2015. He belonged to Village Tadva of Rudrapura Tehsil, Deoria District in Uttar Pradesh. The Braveheart is survived by his wife. 

The mortal remains of Sep Chavan Romit Tanaji and Sep Santosh Yadav will be taken for last rites to their native place, where they would be laid to rest with full military honours. In this hour of grief, the Army stands in solidarity with the bereaved families and remains committed to their dignity and well being.