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Assistant Registrar of Jammu University loses fight against Covid

Last Updated on June 4, 2021 at 11:48 am

Assistant Registrar of University of Jammu, Dr Subhash Raina lost his fight against Covid and succumbed.

Reminiscing his contributions, Prof Manoj Dhar, Vice Chancellor, University of Jammu, said that Dr Raina was a wonderful human being, and a dedicated employee of University who rose to various ranks in University system by dint of his hardwork.

“He was also an efficient officer who has closely witnessed the growth and development of the University” said Dhar. 

Prof Arvind Jasrotia, Registrar, University of Jammu termed his untimely death  a great setback and recalled  his long association with him in various capacities.

Prof Jasbir Singh, Controller of Examinations, University of Jammu termed his sudden departure as a tremendous setback to the Examinations Wing as Dr Raina was efficiently handling important assignment in the Examinations.

The entire University  fraternity that including teaching faculty, officers and staff paid tribute and expressed solidarity with the bereaved family in this hour of grief.