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BJP misleading people over delimitation through false narrative: Panthers Party

Last Updated on December 21, 2021 at 6:40 pm

Alleging bias against Jammu region in the ongoing delimitation of assembly constituencies in J&K, the activists of Panthers Party led by its Chairman and former Minister Harsh Dev Singh held a protest demonstration in Jammu on Tuesday.

The protesters raised slogans against the central govt and delimitation commission seeking equitable share for Jammu region in allocation of Assembly seats.

Members of JKNPP protesting in Jammu

Referring to the Draft Report of Delimitation Commission as circulated among the associate members on Monday, Harsh Dev Singh said that it had paved the way for continued subjugation of Jammu region.

“Allocating 43 seats for Jammu region as against 47 seats proposed for Kashmir was wholly unjustified in view of the norms and criteria laid down in sec 60 of J&K Reorganization Act for delimiting the Assembly constituencies”, said Singh.

Accusing the BJP of trying to mislead the people of Jammu through false narrative, Singh said “these self flattered pleased BJP leaders must know that delimitation was of 90 seats and not merely of 7 seats”.