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BSF trains border residents in Jammu of drone activities

Last Updated on October 2, 2021 at 5:10 pm

To deal with the ever-increasing threat from drones from the Pakistan side, security agencies have been framing strategies. Border Security Force, Jammu have even initiated to provide training to civilians who are living near the border to alert about drone activities, reportedly.

A BSF official said that the reason behind this training is that border residents should be made aware so that whenever they notice any such activity in their area, they can easily identify the flying object and can further be inform to the security forces.

He further said that amidst the rising danger from drones, intelligence agencies are constantly making strategies to tackle it, BSF has made people living in the border areas aware about drone technology. He further informed that BSF is also providing them with demonstrations of the machine to make people technically aware of it.

Pakistan is not only trying to target important military installations and camps in Jammu and Kashmir through drones, but continuously using these objects to smuggle arms, counterfeit currency and drugs into this region, reportedly.

An official said that in order to prevent any incident, they are trying to make border residents alert and aware of drones so that they can inform the security agencies.

A village head said that the people of border villages in Jammu region have always contributed with BSF and other security forces and added that the people being aware about drones will benefit the security agencies to a great extent.