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Bumper tourist season in J&K, hotels totally booked for Christmas and New Year

Last Updated on December 18, 2021 at 6:42 pm

Major tourist footfall has been witnessed in ski-resort Gulmarg in north Kashmir and hotels have been totally booked for the New Year.

Speaking with Greater Kashmir, Secretary Tourism, Sarmad Hafeez said that in the month of November, major tourist footfall was witnessed. He said that the travel queries for the rest of December and January were also quite “promising” adding that hotels in Gulmarg are sold-out for Christmas Eve.

Hafeez said that Kashmir has emerged as a tourist destination across a country thus many thrilling activities have been planned. He added that many events have been lined up for Christmas and New Years eve, such as the snow carnival, would provide a great source of leisure to tourists and locals visiting the health resorts Gulmarg, Pahalgam, Sonamarg etc.

Hafeez further informed that many people like skiing, thus they are coming with skiing option in Sonamarg and added that the carnivals and events lined up at Pahalgam will also help to popularize this resort as a winter destination.

Hafeez further assured that they are keeping a check on the hotels and their winter preparedness and is in contact with hotel associations in Gulmarg and Pahalgam.

Also the tourism department have planned for two ice parks one at Gulmarg and other at Sonamarg for adventure lovers. Secretary Tourism said that the department is taking utmost care that all the Covid-19 guidelines are strictly followed.

Chairman J&K Hoteliers Club, Mushtaq Chaya said the response from tourists especially in Gulmarg was quite encouraging for the winter tourism this year. Chaya further said that this winter it is likely to be a major tourist season this winter as they have already seen almost full-bookings for Christmas and New Year’s Eve and added that hope all goes well.