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Civil Society group in Ladakh self-imposes a week-long lockdown

Last Updated on November 25, 2020 at 7:51 pm

A civil society group in Ladakh announced a self-imposed week-long lockdown to control the spread of the novel coronavirus on Monday. The decision was taken after the Union Territory crossed the 7000 mark of total coronavirus patients with 73 new people getting tested positive for the virus.

Over the past one month, the UT of Ladakh has witnessed a huge spike in the new covid patients. By now, more than 100 people in Ladakh have died after being infected by the coronavirus.

Leh civil society has requested the public to support its week-long lockdown decision in Leh which will start from Monday.

Abdul Qayum, President of Anjuman Moin-ul-Islam, said that the lockdown is voluntarily supported by various merchant associations, transporters and other stakeholders to contain further spread of the virus. He said that medical stores will not be closed during the lockdown. Shops which sell food items will not open daily but on alternate days.

Ladakh Buddhist Association representative Tsewang, told reporters that if people do not support the voluntary lockdown to break the chain of virus, the situation might become uncontrollable during the season of winter.

He also requested the public to delay their marriage ceremonies for some time in future and wait for the situation to improve. He appealed the public for minimum gathering during funerals.

The authorities in Ladakh have assured the public that enough arrangements are made to meet the challenge posed by the unusual growth in the covid cases. The authorities have also  announced that Ladakh might receive the vaccine of COVID-19 by February next year.

The official said that out of the 100 fatalities in 59 deaths have taken place in Leh and rest of the 41 in Kargil district.