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Congress led Punjab Govt sell vaccines to Pvt hospitals at premium price, gets lambasted

Last Updated on June 4, 2021 at 2:08 pm

Congress led Punjab government is being slammed from various corners for its way of handling Covid-19 vaccines. Already Punjab Government is facing issues as MLAs and MPs are not pleased with the way Chief Minister Capt Amarinder Singh government is working, this is the next issue which has come forward and created troubles for the government.

The step of Punjab Government to sell Covaxin procured under the state quota to private hospitals has raised fingers as it makes a profit of Rs 660 per dose in the name of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). Further, the private hospital make profit of Rs 500 per shot as the customer pays Rs 1,560 for each jab.

As per official figures, of the one-lakh vials Punjab procured lately, the state government sold at least 20,000 to private hospitals across the state at a rate of Rs 1,060 per dose that had cost it Rs 400.

As per reports, a different bank account has been created by the government in the name of vaccination CSR Fund and private hospitals deposit the money in this account.

State’s nodal officer for vaccine and senior IAS officer, Vikas Garg said that, they have purchased it at a rate of 400 and giving it to private hospitals at a rate they would have brought from a manufacturer. Amount being deposited in the CSR fund account is only for purchasing vaccines. In their communication, private hospitals were told by the vaccine manufacturers that they can’t supply them at least before six months.

But this move of the Government is being criticized as various health experts and the public are saying that it is shameful that money is being collected in the name of CSR.

“It is disgraceful that when the state run free vaccination centres had to be closed due to shortage of vaccine, government is making profits. The justification that the fund will be used for procuring the vaccine is like using money collected by loot for the welfare of people” said Dr Balbir Singh, an eye surgeon and health activist from Patiala. He was also a former state convener of the AAP.