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DC Doda Vishesh Mahajan spearheads strategy to combat drug menace

Last Updated on October 30, 2023 at 5:13 pm

Deputy Commissioner Doda, Vishesh Mahajan, spearheaded a comprehensive strategy to combat the drug menace across the district during the 16th Narco Coordination (NCORD) Committee meeting held at the DC office. The meeting aimed to evaluate the progress made in addressing drug-related issues and chart a future course of action to curb drug abuse within the district. 

Vishesh Mahajan, the District Magistrate (DC) of Doda, virtually chaired this significant meeting, engaging with Block Development Officers (BDOs) and Tehsildars from across the district. The meeting was convened to assess the measures taken against drug addiction and drug trafficking.

SSP Doda, Abdul Qayoom, who also serves as the Committee’s convener, presented the latest developments and strategies employed in the district to control drug addiction and trafficking. He emphasized the considerable efforts made in conducting mass awareness camps across the district, particularly through Operation Parhaar. Additionally, 42 cases have been registered against 49 drug peddlers under the Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Act. These suspects are under close surveillance by district police, and disciplinary actions are imminent.He also informed that 3 important cases of heroin in the district, are under the supervision of police department  He said that 40 persons across the district have been put behind the bars for drug related activities 

The DM Doda acknowledged the Drug Control Officer Doda’s prompt action in suspending licenses of four medical stores allegedly involved in drug trafficking. He advocated the use of specific drug test kits to confirm drug use by suspects and directed enforcement agencies to maintain vigilant surveillance on them. Furthermore, Tehsildars and police officers were tasked with monitoring suspects and medical stores within their jurisdictions closely..

The meeting also resolved that individuals involved in the cultivation of Cannabis, Opium, drug peddling, or drug addiction would be disqualified from receiving government scheme benefits, in addition to legal action against them. To further monitor drug abuse, the installation of CCTV cameras in sensitive areas was emphasized, with the health department tasked to curb the illegal marketing of psychoactive drugs. The DC also directed the CAO Doda to install CCTV cameras in schools and various sensitive locations and urged Tehsildars to ensure the implementation of these measures.

In his remarks, SSP Doda Abdul Qayoom stressed the effectiveness of “Operation Third Eye” in controlling drug abuse, highlighting the number of PSAs and FIRs filed against drug peddlers and abusers. He reported that 65 more panchayats have been declared drug-free, achieving a remarkable 100% success rate. The SSP also mentioned that drugs test kits have been instrumental in the ongoing efforts against drug abuse.