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Delay in submission of monthly progress report by various departments in J&K

Last Updated on January 14, 2022 at 10:53 am

In the Union Territory of Jammu and Kashmir many departments have been lingering on the submission of monthly progress/achievement reports about the developmental activities even after repeated instructions.

Despite of repeated instructions from General Administration Department few departments have only started submitting reports. The General Administration Department vide OM No. 44/2018-I dated September 1, 2018 had asked all the Administrative Secretaries to furnish monthly reports regarding major developmental activities and achievements of departments. All the Administrative Secretaries were told that monthly information on the subject be furnished to the Principal Secretary to the Government, Planning Development and Monitoring Department for the consolidation and its onward submission to the Principal Secretary to the Governor by 3rd of every month.

But only few departments took the order seriously and submitted the monthly achievements about the developmental activities within the stipulated time-frame while as others were submitting late.

Planning Development and Monitoring Department informed that the departments were not providing monthly details/brief status note regarding major developmental activities and achievements in time which delayed in the submission of report to the Governor’s Secretariat.

Thus, Administrative Secretaries were asked to furnish the monthly information regarding major developmental activities invariably by 25th of every month so as to enable the Planning Development and Monitoring Department to submit a consolidated report to the Governor’s Secretariat by 3rd of every month.

Despite of various instructions given by GAD still all the departments are not submitting the reports which made Chief Secretary Dr Arun Kumar Mehta to intervene.

Chief Secretary said that only six departments have submitted reports and asked the remaining departments to ensure their submission within few days. Further he has directed the departments to ensure submission of achievements of the preceding month, positively by the first week of the following month, reportedly.

As per reports, the monthly status report helps the government to assess the performance of various departments and officers and finding out the gaps and taking corrective measures for the same. Monthly reports are of immense help for the Government in making proper projection about the implementation of the Centrally Sponsored Schemes to the Government of India.

Meanwhile, the Chief Secretary has expressed concern over delay in responding to the communications from Ministry of Home Affairs by the departments of the Government of Jammu and Kashmir.