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Demand for a separate Jammu state? Why are people talking about it

Last Updated on June 8, 2021 at 7:36 pm

As soon as the Lieutenant Governor of Jammu and Kashmir Manoj Sinha met Union Home Minister Amit Shah recently and movement of paramilitary troops came into focus, it triggered speculations among the people of the UT.

The meeting of Manoj Sinha with Amit Shah was apparently to discuss the security situation and prospects of Amarnath Yatra amid Covid. However rumour mills swung into action claiming that the central government was planning to further bifurcate the UT with Jammu as a state and Kashmir region as UT. However all these rumours were baseless.

Seeing it a right opportunity, Jammu based political and social organizations have also come forward to demanding a separate state for the region with 10 districts.

Chairman of Ikkjut Jammu, advocate Ankur Sharma said that the central government should give statehood to Jammu. He alleged that Jammu division has been discriminated against by the Kashmir centric leadership of J&K.

He said Kashmir should be further bifurcated into two UTs with one specially carved out for the Kashmiri Pandits, who migrated en-masse from the Valley after eruption of militancy in 1990.

Chairman of Duggar Saddar Sabha Gurchain Singh Charak said if the Centre feels Jammu should be granted statehood to improve the situation in the Valley, then they would welcome it. 

“Jammu is a peaceful region and has rejected militancy. The centre should separate it from Kashmir and grant it statehood.”