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Dental Council of J&K condemns Govt for detaining dentists, demand for apology

Last Updated on February 17, 2022 at 7:32 pm

Dental Council of Jammu and Kashmir in a statement today condemned the detention of dentists during a recent protest.

Dr Bhupinder Singh, President of J&K Dental Council condemned the detention of dental surgeons by the police during a peaceful protest. Dental doctors are demanding employment in govt. service. 

In a statement, Dr Bhupinder said that the post of Dental doctors were not advertised since 14 years and unemployment among the dentists has increased manifolds. 

He said “the Dental doctors have worked tirelessly during the corona pandemic throughout the country and many states have advertised the posts of dental surgeons as they can very well manage the patients suffering from Covid-19 but J&K govt. has not taken any step to absorb the dental doctors”. 

President of the council further said that he has asked for an appointment with LG J&K and will definitely get the posts of dental surgeons sanctioned once he meets him.