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Despite enhancement in electricity supply, power cuts continues in Kashmir

Last Updated on November 24, 2021 at 1:37 pm

Despite of increasing the energy supply by over 17 percent as compared to last year, Kashmir Power Development Corporation Limited (KPDCL) is not able to provide regular power supply in Kashmir.

As per official figures, the energy consumed during the third week of November in Kashmir shown that in comparison to the same period in the corresponding year, KPDCL has supplied additional 251 lakh units.

KPDCL officials said that due to power pilferage there is power shortage.

A senior KPDCL official said that they are providing with 1682 MW of electricity, but the corporation has an agreement with consumers for only 830 MW which means they are supplying double than the load which has been agreed. Official further added that annually power department losses Rs 3000 crore due to AT&C losses.

Official further informed that power shortage is not faced in summers but during winters due to the over use of heating gadgets leads to power shortage. Official further informed that Kashmir’s per capita consumption is higher than national per capita electricity consumption.

Chief Engineer, KPDCL, Aijaz Ahmad Dar said that they are keeping a regular check on the consumers who are illegally using power supply and penalties are being imposed on defaulters.

President, Chamber of Commerce and Industries Kashmir (CCIK), Tariq Rashid Ghani said that they are suffering as well as their business and students due to power outages. Ghani further said that proper steps should be taken by government to ensure quality power supply to people in the Kashmir division.