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Director Handicrafts discusses parameters for QR Code for Kashmir products

Last Updated on October 27, 2022 at 7:43 pm

The Director Handicrafts and Handloom Kashmir held a meeting with the members of Tahafuz Society, which is the Registered Proprietor of the six crafts viz. Kashmir Pashmina, Kani, Sozni, Khatamband, Paper Machie and Walnut Wood Carvings under the Geographical Indications Act 1999 of India, for deciding the parameters for labelling of Kani Shawl, Sozni, Paper Machie, Walnut Wood, Copper Ware, Chain Stitch and Khatamband crafts. 

Labels of different types were also demonstrated in the meeting to the stake holders in accordance with their adaptability for the variety of handicraft items. 

The proposal of choice based labels to the customers as per their liking was also discussed and agreed upon. Technical parameters regarding the labels of different types were also discussed and the expertise was also sought from the members of Tahafuz society.

The labelling of Pashmina has increased manifolds since the last year and a half besides the department has also introduced the labelling of Hand Knotted Carpets. 

The Handicrafts and Handloom Department has been facilitating the promotion of GI tagged products symbolizing empowerment of the artisans. These initiatives are aimed to help recognize and promote age-old crafts. 

The Director while highlighting the importance of Quick Response (QR) based labelling of handmade products has committed to launch the QR code based labelling of the GI crafts very soon.