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Div Com holds high level meeting to discuss land acquisition and compensation

Last Updated on September 15, 2021 at 7:24 pm

The Divisional Commissioner (Div Com) Kashmir, Pandurang K Pole today chaired a 253rd High Level Committee meeting to discuss various issues of land acquisition, compensation and rehabilitation. 

During the meeting, several concerned parties also presented their opinion regarding the settlement of their respective compensation and relocation issues.

The Div Com directed the concerned officers to demolish the illegal structures constructed on encroached land at different locations.

The meeting also discussed rehabilitation of families residing on the banks of River Jhelum at several places besides the rehabilitation of Dal dwellers and GIS tagging of structures in the lake to monitor any further encroachment.

The Div Com also directed concerned officers to constitute a joint team to conduct ground verification of Chounth Kul inhabitants and submit the report at the earliest.

The meeting was attended by Commissioner, SMC; VC,  LAWDA;  VC, SDA; Chief Town Planner; ADC, Srinagar; SE, Circular Road; SE, UEED; Collector R&B and other officers.