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Draft report of delimitation commission ready, political activity gains momentum in J&K

Last Updated on November 30, 2021 at 12:11 pm

The assembly elections in Jammu and Kashmir are expected to be held next year. Thus the political activity has increased as there is last phase of commission constituted for delimitation in Jammu and Kashmir is being held.

As per the reports, Delimitation Commission has completed its draft report on new and reorganization of some old assembly seats in J&K. The commission is expected to submit the report to the central government by the end of February 2022. Then in May and June the procedure for election will also be completed after the formation of the assembly.

The commission is headed by retired Supreme Court Justice Ranjana Desai.

Once the delimitation is complete, there are chances of 90 seats in the assembly. The previous assembly had 87 seats, of which four belonged to the Ladakh region which is now a separate union territory. There were 47 seats in the Valley and 36 in the Jammu region. As per reports, six to seven seats will be added in the Jammu region and two new assembly constituencies will be created out of the existing ones in the Valley. 

.All major political parties have increased the political activities including leaders of National Conference (NC), Peoples Democratic Party, Bharatiya Janata Party, Congress, Jammu and Kashmir National Panthers Party, Jammu and Kashmir Apni Party, People’s Conference and other small groups have held public meetings and rallies.