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Fake tweet asking people to hold strike on August 5, 15 doing rounds in Kashmir

Last Updated on August 4, 2021 at 2:20 pm

A fake tweet is doing the rounds in Jammu and Kashmri asking people to hold strike on August 5 and 15. While August 5 marks the abrogation of Article 370, August 15 is the Independence Day of the country.

Police has warned against circulating the fake tweet attributed to separatist leader Syed Ali Shah Geelani calling for a strike on August 5 and 15.

A police spokesperson while quoting Geelani’s family sources said the tweet is fake and issued by someone from Pakistan.

“Police is taking action against those who are circulating it to instigate violence. Case FIR under relevant sections of ULA(P)stands registered in Police station Budgam, ” Budgam police said.