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Farooq Abdullah and Bhim Singh to campaign for restoration of statehood in J&K

Last Updated on December 11, 2021 at 4:26 pm

President of National Conference Dr. Farooq Abdullah and chief of Panthers Party Prof Bhim Singh have come together to demand restoration of statehood in Jammu and Kashmir.

Both the leaders met in Jammu and requested the president of India to restore the statehood of J&K.

Dr. Farooq Abdullah had come to visit and enquire about the health of Prof. Bhim Singh. The meeting resolved to launch an effective movement together for immediate restoration of statehood and ensure equitable development of the 3 regions, ensuring employment to educated, skilled and technically highly qualified youth of the State.

“It was felt by both the leaders that Muslims and Hindus in the State alone can ensure security of each other. The security of the people is not only the job of Police, Army and paramilitary forces. The ‘Hatred and Distrust’ has to be eliminated which has been ingrained by the present political ruling party” an official statement by Panthers Party read.