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First gas insulated substation commissioned, brings a relief to consumers

Last Updated on November 30, 2021 at 4:04 pm

Ahead of winters the demand for power supply also intensifies due to excessive use of electric gadgets to tackle the cold conditions.

Keeping in mind the use of power, Jammu and Kashmir’s Power Department brings a big relief to the consumers as first of its kind – Gas insulated substation (GIS) at Lassipora has been commissioned.

It will help to improve the power scenario in south Kashmir’s Pulwama district.

Chief Engineer, JKPTCL, Hashmat Qazi said that it is enhanced grid station as old one was AIS (air insulated) but that requires a lot of land, structures, equipment and a very long gestation period. Further he added that in case of GIS requirement of land is about 1/5th. Further Qazi said that power outages from grid side are minimised to the least.

Qazi informed that transmission capacity of Pulwama, last year the district was mainly fed from 132/33 kV major grids namely Pampore, Awantipora and Lassipora which were all sourced through 220/132 kV grid sub Station Pampore only.

Further he added that a big development this year has happened as the JKPTCL was successful in commissioning of 160 MVA, 220/33 kV Gas insulated substation which is first of its kind in Kashmir.

Notably it is the first gas insulated substation of Jammu and Kashmir Power Transmission Corporation Limited (JKPTCL) which has been commissioned in Union Territory. The officials informed that in next three months, three more GIS will be commissioned to augment further power supply in Kashmir

After newly commissioned Lassipora major portion of the energy which was transmitted through AIS Lassipora earlier has got spared and same is being pumped into the system resulting in reduction of the curtailment hours in great extent besides to ensure reliable power supply from the Grids.