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Gulchain Singh Charak asks Dharamarth Trust to look into the grievances of employees

Last Updated on December 18, 2020 at 6:57 pm

Gulchain Singh Charak, former minister and President Dogra Sadar Sabha (J&K), has expressed deep concern over the developments in Dharamarth Trust and the manner in which its employees are agitating over some issues.

In a statement issued here today he recounted the pious legacy of the Dharmarth Trust, established about 175 years ago by Maharaja Gulab Singh, the founder of the Dogra dynasty of enlightened rulers, with the aim of preserving and propagating the secular ideals and traditions of the Hindu way of life, which had been facing forced and lured conversions in those turbulent times, threatening its very existence.

“The subsequent Dogra Rulers continued to build up on the noble cause and, at the same time, also took similar steps to preserve and propagate other religions such as creation of Waqf Board for Muslims and likewise for other minorities as part of their secular agenda” said Charak.

The President DSS emphasised that Dharmarth trust has not only preserved the ethos of religion but also played a very significant role in preserving and promoting the heritage of all the societies and communities of the State/UT. He expressed the apprehension that there is every possibility that some misguided elements may exploit the present situation in the organisation and destroy the reputation of the revered institution by labelling allegations against each other.

It is unfortunate, he said that some Pujaris /Pandits who are held in high esteem by the community and are considered to be the links and guides between the masses and the Deities (Gods), have come on the roads.

President DSS further said that he was pained to learn that even the name of the sole trustee, Dr Karan Singh, is being dragged into the controversy. He pointed out that Dr Karan Singh is a reservoir of knowledge, a philosopher and an authority on Hinduism, remaining beyond any controversy and contributing immensely towards preserving and propagating Hinduism which will be remembered by the generations to come.

While acknowledging that it is possible that there may be some grievances of the employees he said that the manner in which these are being raised does not speak well of the organisation, especially, the preachers of Shri Sanatan-Dharma, to whom people often approach for seeking good advice.

 Charak made a fervent appeal to the management of the Trust to look into the genuine grievances of the employees, while simultaneously advising and appealing to the agitators to shun the present agitational approach and settle the issues amicably through in house negotiations.