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Hit list blog in Kashmir: New names soon to come forward, investigation underway

Last Updated on July 19, 2021 at 6:10 pm

In a major breakthrough, the Jammu and Kashmir police claimed to have got several leads during questioning of five persons including Secretary Srinagar Municipal Corporation (SMC), Mohammad Akbar Sofi, arrested on Saturday for their role in threatening social activists, political leaders, Government officers and journalists.

An official said that during the interrogation several names have come up and now police is finding for technical evidence.

The police said that digital equipment like I-pad, hard disk, phone and laptop were recovered from the residences of the accused.

An official said that it was a very confidential operation and officers who were doing it and a top official who monitored it only knew about the operation.

The official further said that Rafiq Mukhdoomi was tracked by the police and his social media posts and writings were being checked and they were found matching with the contents of the He further added while Rafiq was tracked, other names came in front and after getting evidence they all were arrested.

The five persons arrested were Nazish Yasrab Rehmani and Tabish Akbar Rehmani from Sanatnagar; Sofi Md Akbar from Rajbagh; Peerzada Raqif Makhdoomi from Batpora, Hazratbal; and Javed Khalid from Poonch.

As per police officials, “” was being run by a white-collar terrorist syndicate, who worked on preparing a hit list of government officers, journalists, social activists, lawyers and political functionaries.

“The blog site had designed a modus operandi wherein the name of the victim was first published, he was profiled giving detailed justification as to how and why the he is a legitimate target of the terrorists and subsequently his actual execution by the terrorists,” the police said.