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Huge jump in cancelled flights at Srinagar international airport this year

Last Updated on January 11, 2022 at 3:43 pm

The bad weather conditions in Jammu and Kashmir witnessed in past few days led to around 273 flight cancellations at the Srinagar International Airport. As compared to last year, this year flight cancellations took a huge jump. Last year January 4 to 9, there were nearly 100 flight cancellations.

Flight cancellations have increased more than 150 percent which is mostly due to the increase in the number of scheduled flights operating this winter.

This winter number of flights has also increased to almost 35 to 40 and over 53 flights were cancelled at Srinagar airport everyday in last six days due to poor visibility caused by inclement weather, as reported in Greater Kashmir.

Spokesperson at the airport informed that 273 flights to-and-fro the airport were cancelled since January 4 including 138 from Srinagar to various destinations.

Due to flight cancellations passengers were left disappointed and faced immense hardships.

Recently, authorities had announced that at Srinagar International Airport the process for installation of CAT-II instrument landing system (ILS) will begin from April this year and will be completed by November. ILS is a radio navigation system that provides short-range guidance to aircraft to allow them to approach a runway at night or in bad weather.

Spokesman had tweeted that next winter they are hoping that visibility requirement will reduce from 900 M to 500 M.

Parliamentary Standing Committee on Transport, Tourism and Culture has figured out in its report that lack latest Instrument Landing System (ILS) CAT-II or CAT-III at Srinagar International Airport is the reason for frequent cancellation of flights.  As per report of the Parliamentary Standing Committee they are saddened to observe the regular delays in flight operations and cancellations of flights occur at Srinagar Airport because of lack of CAT-II or CAT-III facilities.