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Incharge lecturers in Kashmir holding distance mode degrees demand posting

Last Updated on January 28, 2022 at 5:59 pm

The Incharge Lecturers of School Education Department in different disciplines in Kashmir, who are Distance Mode degree holders and got promoted in July 2019, have asked for their adjustment/posting.

The posting of distance mode degree holders is still pending in the Kashmir valley. Incharge lecturers informed that their counterparts of Jammu have been adjusted some two years back while as no such orders were issued in respect to them.

Lecturers said that even though the Department of School Education regularized the PG/Masters/Teachers having Distance Mode degrees in Chemistry/Physics/Information Technology and Botany vide Government order number 333 and 334-Edu of 2019, dated 18-10-2019, the adjustment of In-charge Lecturers in Kashmir Division is not being done for no reasons.

It has been claimed by the lecturers that maximum of Incharge Lecturers from Jammu Division, holding PG degrees in distance mode got adjusted but lecturers alleged that only Kashmir based Incharge Lecturers were not posted.

Kashmir based incharge lecturers have urged Lt Governor Manoj Sinha to look into the matter as they are waiting for the adjustment whereas Directorate of School Education Jammu issued posting orders in favour of almost all Distance Mode degree holders in subjects like Botany, Chemistry and Zoology.