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Increased sightings of wild boar causes panic in Kashmir

Last Updated on February 26, 2021 at 10:30 pm

Kashmiris are worried as in the past few years, sightings of wild boars have been on a constant rise. These animals are not native to the region and had not been seen since the mid-1980s before these recent sightings.

wild boar

Conservationists and officials have said that population of the wild boars has increased as there are more sightings of wild animal in central and north Kashmir since 2018. The wild pigs have been seen by people in many areas of north Kashmir, including Uri, Lachipora, Limber, Rafiabad, Rajwar and Balpur. Moreover, people have also found the wandering in Dachigam National Park and its adjoining orchard and crop areas in Srinagar.

Mohammad Maqbool Baba, wildlife warden north Kashmir, said that earlier, their sightings were not so common but now, everybody is witnessing their presence. He said that these animals are scavengers and are foraging in wild spaces. He also said that they have not yet conducted any census of the animal but it is a prolific breeder and is omnivorous. He estimated that there would be a maximum of 100 wild boars in north Kashmir.

Baba said there is panic among people, especially farmers, as cases of sighting of the animal. Another aspect is that the animal is also not accepted culturally among Muslims. He said that they have very less staff and it is not humanly possible to watch every place.

Wild boars were not always found in Kashmir. It is believed that Maharaja Gulab Singh introduced them for his hunting game.

Intisar Suhail, wildlife warden of Shopian, said that historically, wild boars were found in Dachigam and the reserves nearby. Since the animal was not native, its population slowly declined because of the cold weather of region. After that, they were not sighted for many years. Their population has revived recently.

Suhail said that there could be many reasons behind revival of the animal. Climate change could also have caused its revival. Wild boars are not comfortable in cold temperatures and since, global warming has caused temperature to rise so it might have led to a revival of the animal.