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India-China standoff in Ladakh does not seem to end anytime soon

Last Updated on September 18, 2020 at 11:15 pm

Standoff between India-China has led to a tense situation in the arid desert of Ladakh. Indian army has taken all the precautionary measures in case the situation gets worse.

India firmly believes in resolving the matter with China along the LAC but China seems to have some other plans. Experts have already stated that India will try all existing methods to end the dispute but in case China wants to end this dispute with war then the Indian army is ready to fight with its full power.

Both countries have deployed numerous tanks, fighter jets, and troops after Chinese troops entered into Indian territory and built military defenses in various areas. 

On May 5 Indian and Chinese troops engaged in face-offs along the Indo-china border after Chinese soldiers attacked the Indian soldiers with wire batons and stones which was in return retaliated by the Indian troops killing Chinese army personnel and since then the situation is delicate along the LAC.

Army chief MM Narvane has said that the situation was tense but there has been disengagement between both the countries at the border and government level. He further said that the Indian Army is highly motivated and they are ready to face any situation that takes place along LAC. 

On the other hand, China has accused India of illegally entering Chinese territory. Then China’s People liberation army is training its tanks in Tibet with the target on Indian border.

China has held a meeting with India’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs over a five-point agreement. But China is also inflating its troop presence at the LAC. Chinese troops are violating LAC time and again. Also, troops of the People’s Liberation Army are taking part in the military exercise.

In an interview, China’s President ordered it’s military to think about the worst-scenario. There are reports that the Chinese army is laying cables to increase the communication process along LAC. Despite all the meetings that were held earlier China is not moving from its place at the northern side of Pangong lake. 

On September 8, Indian army issued a statement the youths who went missing from Arunachal Pradesh were held By the People Liberation Army and the formalities of their transfer have been carried out but the Chinese army released a statement stating that they have no Indian with them.

On September 9 the Chinese army confirmed that they had Indian youth with themselves and returned them to the Indian Army. But later the Chinese troops attempted to engage with the Indian army in Ladakh and even accused Indian Army of firing warning shots which were denied by the Indian Army official.

Indian army official said that India never did such a thing. “India has always tried to peacefully resolve the matter without using any aggressive means” said the official. He also said that the Chinese troops initiated firing in the air in an attempt to frighten Indian troops. He added that despite firing from the Chinese side the Indian army acted in an experienced and responsible manner. 

Since then India is not taking any chance along the LAC in Ladakh. Indian troops are moving to different positions all along the border to keep an eye on the movement of Chinese soldiers. Talks at a high level have continued but China doesn’t stand on its talks.

According to the reports the Indian army has taken positions at heights of Chushul and Pangong Tso. This is the deployment on Indian side of the border. These moments are taken to ensure that China doesn’t try to infiltrate the border. Heavy deployment of the troop has been done at Pangong Tso which is the center of tension since China tried to infiltrate the border through that area only.

Deployment in Chushul gives India an upper hand over China at the Southern Side. Officials also said that deployments have also been done in small areas. The tension between India and China is at its height and Indian troops are on a high alert. Special attention is given to hotspot areas where Chinese troops have violated the LAC in the past. 

The Indian Army is being provided with proper clothing, habitat, and required defense weapons. The Indian army is highly capable of guarding such heights with little oxygen and extremely Cold temperatures. It is something they have done over a decade In Siachen and Kargil. In the past too India has witnessed such situations like the one with China which were resolved peacefully. Even though the situation is critical but the Indian army has been committed to peaceful restoration. 

Defense minister of India Rajnath Singh said that till now India- China issue has remained unsolved. “There has been no mutually acceptable solution. China keeps on disagreeing with India’s solution”. He further said that our armed forces are high in their morale and no one should doubt it. Adding further he said that PM’s visit to Indian Border has sent a message that the people of India are with the Indian army.