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India’s first geothermal project to be established in Ladakh; MoU signed with ONGC

Last Updated on February 6, 2021 at 6:29 pm

Prime Minister of India, in his address, had committed to making Ladakh a carbon-neutral region and also announced to develop GW Solar Power Project in Ladakh.

A historic Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) was signed today at Leh between UT Administration Ladakh, LAHDC-Leh and ONGC Energy Centre in the presence of LG Ladakh, Radha Krishna Mathur, CEC LAHDC, Leh, Advocate Tashi Gyalson, MP Ladakh, Jamyang Tsering Namgyal among others.

During the event, LG stressed that this is the first-ever Geothermal project in India, which will be established in Leh at Puga. He termed it as a proud moment for the people of UT Ladakh. He further added that the moment is a big step towards achieving carbon-neutrality and clean power. 

He further added that Ladakh has greater potential for solar, wind, hydro and geothermal energy, and these clean and green energy will help in neutralising carbon content in Ladakh. He thanked the Chairman of LAHDC, Leh and ONGC-OEC for signing the MoU. 

Further speaking on the occasion, CEC, LAHDC Leh, shared that it is the first step towards making Ladakh a carbon-free and economically viable region. He stressed that this project would increase job opportunities and tourist activities in the region.

MP Ladakh thanked LG Ladakh for helping Ladakh enter a new era of development under his leadership. He further added that it is the mission of PM to make Ladakh a carbon-neutral region and the signing of the MoU is a step towards establishing a one MW pilot geothermal project at Puga. He also stressed on advocating ‘Vocal for Local’ concept and for making Ladakh a self-sustainable region.

Earlier, DG ONGC Energy Centre, Dr Sanjeev Katti gave a brief description of his institution and said that the one MW pilot project is a collaboration between the UT Administration, LAHDC and ONGC Energy Centre. He added that energy from this project will give 24×7 power supply and the hot water from the spring could be used for space-heating and establishing hot swimming pools to attract tourists towards it. He thanked LG Ladakh and Chairman of LAHDC Leh for signing the MOU with ONGC-OEC.

He shared that one MW power would be generated in Phase 1 of this pilot project and 100 % free power would be supplied to the public. ONGC-OEC is the implementing agency for this pilot Project. In the second phase, there would be a deeper and a lateral exploration of the geothermal reservoir by drilling the optimal number of wells and setting up of a higher capacity demo plant in Ladakh. The third phase would focus on commercial projects as per the discovered capacity.

The event was attended by Hon’ble CEC, LAHDC Kargil, Kacho Feroz Ahmed Khan; Executive Councillors of LAHDC Leh & Kargil, Commissioner/ Secretary, GAD, Ajeet Kumar Sahu; Divisional Commissioner, Ladakh, Saugat Biswas; Secretary, Information, Padma Angmo; Secretary, Law, PP Singh, and other officers/officials of UT Administration, ONGC Energy Centre; Chairman CII, Nawang Thinles, and Kunzes Dolma, Energy Advisor to LAHDC Leh.