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Insiders allege Jammu University delaying career advancement of employees

Last Updated on July 5, 2023 at 3:22 pm

University of Jammu is playing with the career of its employees as some of them had not got career progression since many years, allege insiders.

A senior officer of the University told that there are some employees who were appointed 18-20 years ago but didn’t get any career progression (CAS) till date despite clear cut career progression scheme for them.

She said that even the Assistant Registrars (ARs) were denied CAS as prescribed by UGC and they have to appear in interview to get the scale of Deputy Registrar. While some blue eyes boys who have influence on the administration have got the same CAS which was denied to the ARs.

Quoting examples she told that a system analyst who is a P.hD in computers and information technology (IT) has been denied even single career advancement (CAS). “He is working in the same grade in which he was appointed 18 years back. He had worked extensively for implementation of optical fiber based campus network and roaming wireless campus at Jammu University but the reward of transforming the varsity into hi-tech campus was his career stagnation” the officer informed.

But a blue-eyed of the Jammu University who is also from the information technology has been given three career advancement steps as well as an administrative position in the University for which he is not entitled. Along with him, a female officer of Directorate of Quality Assurance (DIQA) has also been granted three career advancement steps in less than 16 years. 

Another example of harassment in Jammu University is a female officer of central library who has not been granted any CAS since her induction as an officer of the University since more than 15 years ago.

While these officers are fighting for their career advancement, the University of Jammu has placed their career advancement cases in the recruitment rules of the University for the approval of Lt Governor who is the Chancellor of the University.

It is pertinent to mention that career advancement is completely different from recruitment rules, but some officials are harassed as their cases were placed in recruitment rules which are now collecting the dust in form of files in J&K Raj Bhawan since more than six months. This is despite the approval from the University council which is the highest body for taking any decision regarding the rules and regulations of the varsity.

Requesting anonymity this senior officer of the University said that a simple solution is that the Vice-Chancellor should have intervened and got the sanction from the Chancellor for the career advancement of these 6 officers who have not got any CAS since their induction in the University.

“They should have been granted CAS as per the UGC prescribed scheme. Stagnating the career of an individual is against the very basic right of equality and dignity which the Constitution of India guarantees” the officer informed.

Contrary to the good governance slogan of PM Narendra Modi, the University of Jammu has stagnated a handful of officers by not giving them the CAS as prescribed by the University Grants Commission (UGC).