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Irrigation and Flood Control department flout norms despite ban on attachments

Last Updated on November 11, 2021 at 1:51 pm

It has come to fore that Irrigation and Flood Control (I&FC) Department, Nowshera Division in Rajouri District continues to give employee attachment to allegedly blue eyed employees.

As per reports, the total number of draftsmen has a strength of five which includes head draftsman but two employees allegedly have been attached from outside making total strength to seven.

To an utter shock, senior officer has managed to attach two blue eyed employees in the department by violating rules and regulations. It has come forward that senior officer continues to appoint blue eyed employees despite of the fact that it is prohibited on all kinds of attachments in every government institution.

It has been advised by government many times that all the employees should be detached and relieved to their original department and for this many circulars have been issued.

One of the employees has been attached on the behest of a district level officer, whereas another one has been accommodated by a senior officer, reportedly.

Division Engineer Nowshera said that the department has cadre strength of five draftsmen, including one head draftsman but he, agreed that they have two extra draftsmen.
Superintending Engineer I&FC Rajouri said that matter will be looked upon.