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Jammu Municipal Corporation imposes fine of Rs 18,000 on illegal polythene

Last Updated on August 2, 2022 at 6:42 pm

Team of Health Section of Jammu Municipal Corporation along with Sanitation Officers, conducted an intensive drive for checking the illegal use of single use plastic and polythene in all the three zones randomly and seized 11 Kg of polythene.

The teams also imposed fine to the tune of Rs. 18000/- at Canal Road, Bhagwati Road, Sangrampur and Gangyal.

Further the Health Officer JMC has appealed to the general public to extend their cooperation in curbing the illegal use of Single use plastic/polythene which is a penalizing offence under Solid Waste Management Rules 2016. “The Jammu Municipal Corporation is hoping to meet the challenge together with the General Public to make environment sustainable and eco-friendly” a spokesperson said.